Upload a CSV file with email addresses to analyze the ESPs.
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Improve email deliverability
ESP Matching is a strategy that improves email deliverability by identifying the email service provider (ESP) of your recipients—such as Gmail, Outlook, or Yahoo—and sending emails from the same ESP. This approach helps ensure emails land in the inbox rather than the spam folder.
Follow these three simple steps to identify ESPs and improve your email strategy. And send emails from the matching ESP for better inbox placement and deliverability.
Upload your email list, and our tool will detect the ESP for each email and identify any spam protection tools in use.
Get a report showing the ESP of each email. You can then manually separate your list into groups like Gmail, Outlook, and Others based on your needs.
Use the segmented list to send emails from the same ESP as your recipients. Sending Gmail to Gmail and Outlook to Outlook improves trust and inbox placement.
We continuously update our list of ESPs and Spam Protection Tools for accurate analysis.
Name | Category | MX Records |
Gmail | ESP | google.com, googlemail.com |
Outlook.com | ESP | outlook.com |
Office 365 | ESP | protection.outlook.com |
Yahoo Mail | ESP | yahoo.com, yahoodns.net |
AOL Mail | ESP | aol.com |
Zoho Mail | ESP | zoho.com, zoho.eu |
ProtonMail | ESP | protonmail.ch |
iCloud Mail | ESP | icloud.com |
Mail.com | ESP | 1and1.com |
FastMail | ESP | messagingengine.com |
GMX Mail | ESP | gmx.com, emig.gmx.net |
Tutanota | ESP | tutanota.de |
Rackspace | ESP | rackspace.com |
Amazon SES | ESP | amazonaws.com |
Rackspace Email | ESP | emailsrvr.com |
Titan Email | ESP | titan.email |
GoDaddy Email | ESP | secureserver.net |
IONOS Email | ESP | ionos.com, ionos.de |
Network Solutions | ESP | xion.oxcs.net |
Bluehost Email | ESP | bluehost.xion.oxcs.net |
Namecheap Private Email | ESP | privateemail.com |
One.com | ESP | one.com |
Hostinger Email | ESP | hostinger.com |
Web.de Mail | ESP | web.de |
Freeola Email | ESP | freeola.com |
Alibaba Cloud Mail | ESP | mxhichina.com |
Proofpoint | Spam Protection Tool | pphosted.com, ppe-hosted.com |
MailControl | Spam Protection Tool | mailcontrol.com |
TitanHQ | Spam Protection Tool | titanhq.com |
Hosted MX Server | Spam Protection Tool | hostedmxserver.com |
Barracuda Networks | Spam Protection Tool | barracudanetworks.com, barracuda.hcde.org, barracuda.igtm.com |
Mailgun | Spam Protection Tool | mailgun.org |
Mimecast | Spam Protection Tool | mimecast.com |
Cisco IronPort | Spam Protection Tool | iphmx.com |
Sophos | Spam Protection Tool | hydra.sophos.com |
Hornetsecurity | Spam Protection Tool | hornetsecurity.com |
Heimdal Security | Spam Protection Tool | heimdalsecurity.com |
Trend Micro | Spam Protection Tool | trendmicro.eu, trendmicro.com |
ThreatSpike Labs | Spam Protection Tool | threatspike.com |
Spam Experts | Spam Protection Tool | antispamcloud.com |
SpamProtection.com | Spam Protection Tool | mailspamprotection.com |
Salesforce ExactTarget | Spam Protection Tool | exacttarget.com |
ARSmtp | Spam Protection Tool | arsmtp.com |
Spam Filtering Service | Spam Protection Tool | evolutionmarketing.biz |
Strato Email (Spam Filtering) | Spam Protection Tool | rzone.de |
Green Radar | Spam Protection Tool | greenradar.com |
Sistemi HS Antispam | Spam Protection Tool | sistemihs.it |
MessageLabs (Symantec/Broadcom) | Spam Protection Tool | messagelabs.com |
Vade Secure | Spam Protection Tool | cloud.vadesecure.com |
Charter Communications (Spectrum) | Spam Protection Tool | pkvw.co.charter.net |
Openwave Cloud Email Security | Spam Protection Tool | openwave.ai |
CN4E Email Security | Spam Protection Tool | cn4e.com |
University of Utah Email | Spam Protection Tool | utah.edu |
Syracuse University Email | Spam Protection Tool | syr.edu |
Comcast Email | Spam Protection Tool | comcast.net |
Securence | Spam Protection Tool | securence.com |
SpamTitan | Spam Protection Tool | spamtitan.com |
IW SMTP Security | Spam Protection Tool | iwsmtp.com |
EWD Hosting Security | Spam Protection Tool | ewdhosting.com |
Namecheap Email Forwarding | Spam Protection Tool | registrar-servers.com |
Namecheap Email Forwarding | Spam Protection Tool | registrar-servers.com |
EdgeWave ePrism | Spam Protection Tool | eprism-cloud.com |
ZeroSpam | Spam Protection Tool | zerospam.ca |
Presidio Email Security | Spam Protection Tool | presidio.com |